What does the Professional Staff do when there is snow on the ground?


It's been quite the winter wonderland here at Laurel Creek!  Since December 21st when this picture was taken, we have only had FIVE playable days of golf.  Five!  So what do we do to keep busy?

There have been snowball fights, sleep and hibernation, Flyers games, Longwood Gardens trips, Eagles playoff games, watching the stars and planets align over the night sky, night-time snow walks.....

Oh you mean what has our Professional Staff been doing?  Thought you mean my kids.....

Our staff takes this time to recharge and thoroughly plan for the upcoming season.  
  • We have an exciting tournament program built for the entire membership (dates and calendars coming soon)
  • We have also been hammering down our Fitting Experience dates with our club vendors
  • We change over the locker rooms and bag storage with upgraded/resigning members
  • We finalize our merchandise buying for tournament gifts and for the fall season
  • Clean pick the driving range, detail our golf carts, order capital items
  • Attend PGA Rules workshops, Education seminars, PGA Schooling for Matt and Ryan
  • Create new onboarding and training materials for our upcoming staff
We find ways to keep busy with our admin work now, so we can be busy outside later!


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