Model local Rule E-5 and how you can benefit at Laurel Creek

We've all hit a ball Out of Bounds at Laurel Creek; sometimes it finds the backyard of a friendly neighbor, sometimes it may hit the side of a house (yikes!), and sometimes it may even cross the street (wow!).  But that's ok, we've all been there and there's no better time to redeem ourselves than the next shot!

Model Local Rule E-5 gives us another option than simply hitting another one from the tee.  Sometimes that tee ball can get in our heads and the last thing we want is to fire another one OB Right!  

Take a look at the attached link from the USGA and read up on the details of the rule.  This local rule is in play on a daily basis with the exception of competitive events facilitated by the club such as Member Guest (Men's and Ladies), Gap Matches, etc.  

When would be a good time to take advantage of this rule?  #4, #5 and #17 are great examples of a time when you can implement this friendly local rule, but I must warn you; the gained distance comes with a penalty of two strokes.  Hopefully you can keep it straight and in the short grass and avoid those white stakes.


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